Do you have a complaint?

Aren't you 100% satisfied with your floor? Do you have other concerns? We would like to hear what could be improved. That is why we treat your complaint with the necessary attention. 

We do what is necessary to help you and improve our service.

How do we solve the problem?

Please contact your dealer to report the complaint. Our distributors are trained as product experts. Therefore, they are able to help you find a suitable solution.  The complaint will then also reach us, so we can offer the necessary support to our distributors.

Floorify cannot take any action as long as the complaint has not been reported to  the dealer. You may, however, outline the problem without obligation (see points below) at The information below will be stored internally and activated when the distributor contacts us. 

Useful info:

  • Description of the problem?

  • Dealer where you bought the floor?

  • Who installed the floor?

  • The reference of the floor and the batch number (found at the back of the board or on the packaging - in the form of a date)

  • Some detail photos and an overview photo of the room?