Skirting boards from Floorify

Floorify skirting boards are the finishing touch for your Floorify floor. They are available in the same colour and finish as the floor, giving you a perfect match. Find out all about Floorify's skirting boards.

Which Floorify skirting board should I choose?

Floorify has several options to finish your floor. With a standard and high skirting, you are going to place the skirting against the wall. With an matching strip, you are going to apply the skirting board to the floor itself to hide the expansion joint.

The choice between different skirting boards depends mainly on aesthetics, practicality and finish.

Standard skirting board from Floorify

A standard skirting board from Floorify has a height of 6.1 cm. It's best to choose a standard skirting board in these situations:

  • Aesthetic: a standard skirting board is mainly used for a room height of 2.5m or lower.

  • Practical: Also take into account any furniture you want to place against the wall. Some furniture takes into account a recess for the skirting board. Also check carefully that there are no interfering elements that might extend lower than 6.1cm from the floor. Also look at the mouldings around the door or windows.

  • Finish: a standard skirting board can be used if the finish at the bottom of the wall is of sufficient quality to a maximum of 6.1 cm. For example, a wall may not have been plastered or finished the last 4 cm at the bottom.

High skirting board from Floorify

A High Skirting board from Floorify has a height of 8.9 cm. It's best to opt for a High Skirting in these situations:

  • Aesthetic: for a room taller than 2.5m, a high skirting board comes into its own.

  • Practical: Also take into account any furniture you want to place against the wall. Some furniture takes into account a recess for the skirting board. Also look at the mouldings around the door or windows.

  • Finish: a standard skirting board can be used if the finish at the bottom of the wall is of sufficient quality to a maximum of 8.9 cm. For example, a wall at the bottom may not have been plastered or finished.

Matching strips from Floorify

Matching strips are flat skirting boards that can be fixed directly to the floor. These matching strips are generally ideal for bridging the expansion joint and are also easy to install due to the ready-to-use sticky strip under the matching strip.

The Floorify matching strip has a length of 2m, width of 18mm and thickness of 2.5mm.

  • Aesthetic: a matching strip is less conspicuous. You hide the expansion joint without changing the look of the wall.

  • Practical: matching strips are easy to install thanks to a sticky strip on the skirting board itself. But matching strips do not provide wall protection if you are a rough hoover, for example.

  • Finish: matching strips do require that the wall to floor is finished nicely.

Matching strips can be used in places where it is not possible to fit skirting boards. For example, solid window that extends to the floor.

Matching strips are only used in areas that are not walked on. Otherwise, use an end profile.

Installing Floorify skirting boards

Floorify skirting boards are intended for a glued installation against the wall. This is how you achieve the best results.

Measure the distance you need and cut the skirting to size with a jigsaw or fixed saw blade. You can cut a mitre with the same tools or use a special mitre saw.

The back of the skirting boards consists of MDF. Glue the skirting boards with suitable mounting glue or possibly solid silicone sealant. Press the skirting boards firmly so that they adhere well to the wall.

All vinyl floors have skirting boards and profiles in the matching colour and finish of your chosen vinyl floor. Floorify skirting boards and profiles are available from all dealers

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Installing Floorify skirting boards

Skirting boards are very easy to install using the sticky strip on the bottom of the skirting board.

Measure the distance and cut the skirting boards to size. This can be done with a sharp stanley knife, but also with more professional sawing or miter machines.

Remove dust and grease from the floor. Glue the skirting board to the floor using the sticky strip at the bottom of the skirting board.

All vinyl floors have skirting boards in the matching colour and finish of your chosen vinyl floor. Floorify skirting boards and profiles are available from all distributors.