What tools do I need to install a Floorify rigid vinyl floor?

You don't need much to install your Floorify vinyl floor. There are some useful tools that will make it easier to lay the floor:

  • A sharp Stanley knifesaw or laminate cutter will make it easier to cut the floor. If you use a sawblade, make sure that is suitable for trespa or metal. Wood saws also work well but wear faster. Always have the decorative side of the floor facing upwards.

  • Use a rubber hammertapping block or (hammer) pull bar to get the floor panels to fit neatly together. Never hit the click connection directly, but use a tapping block or rest to click the connection together.

  • Use spacer blocks to keep the expansion joint clear. They will ensure that the floor doesn’t slide when you knock it.

  • Corners and edges can be sawn easily with a tilted saw with trespa or metal blade. You can also cut with a Stanley knife and break off with pliers. Always have the decorative side of the floor facing downwards.

You don’t need a lot to install your Floorify vinyl floor.

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