How long should you wait before installing a vinyl floor on a fresh concrete or screed floor?

Concrete and screed floors need sufficient drying time before a Floorify rigid vinyl floor can be installed on top.

The maximum residual moisture percentage in the subfloor with:

  • Cement bonded subfloor: 2%

  • Cement bonded subfloor with underfloor heating: 1.5%

  • Anhydrite: 0.5%

  • Anhydrite with underfloor heating: 0.3%

This rule of thumb should give you an idea of the anticipated drying time. To be sure that the screed has dried sufficiently, use a moisture meter to measure it.

  • You should count on one week of drying time per centimetre for a thickness of up to 4 cm.

  • Add on 2 weeks of drying time for every additional centimetre up to and including 6 cm.

  • Add on 4 weeks of drying time for every additional centimetre over 6 cm.

For example: For a concrete floor of 6 cm, the drying time would be at least 8 weeks. This is calculated as 4 x one week, plus 2 x two weeks: (4 x 1 week) + (2 + 2 weeks) = 8 weeks

TIP: Make sure that the room is always well ventilated

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