Floorify planks

The vinyl planks from Floorify have a lifelike appearance. But unlike a wooden parquet floor, they are easy to install yourself and are indeed low-maintenance. The warm colours and authentic bevels give the Floorify vinyl planks a natural look and feel. This is further enhanced by the plank variation and the brushed structure that feels soft and warm to the touch. The subtle edge finishing and soft gloss of an oiled floor complete the picture.

Some realisations with Floorify planks

Sundae Huis - Apple Crumble (F055)
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F051 - Coconut
F053 - Stonehenge
F053 - Stonehenge
F053 - Stonehenge
F055 - Apple Crumble
F055 - Apple Crumble

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