Can I install the Floorify vinyl floor myself?

It is perfectly possible to install the vinyl floor yourself. The convenient, proven click system makes installing Floorify child’s play. Just lay it, click it and you’re done. 

"Obviously, a bit of skill won’t go amiss!

These two factors can help you in making your decision:

  • Complexity of the room:

    • A square living room versus a bathroom with lots of corners and edges

    • An entrance hallway versus a toilet

  • Collection:


  • You can obtain a wealth of valuable information from the dealer.

  • Read the installation instructions carefully

  • Create an installation plan before starting.

  • It is important to get off to the right start. Spend plenty of time on your first few rows and make sure that they are nicely straight and that the connections are firmly together. A good start is half the job!