Can you order online?
No, it is not possible to order online.
We consider it important that you have as much information as possible. This is why we have established a network that includes the best specialist stores in your area. You can find your nearest dealers here.
Would you like some samples to help you to decide? You can do that here.
- I'm a professional, can I purchase directly?
- Can you order online?
- Does Floorify have its own installers?
- What will the format of the floor do to your room?
- Is it possible to combine vinyl tiles and planks?
- Which floor best matches your room?
- Where can I see Floorify vinyl floors on a large surface?
- What is the average delivery time of the floor and accessories?
- Can you see the floors at all dealers' stores?
- Why opt for a herringbone floor?
- What is Ceppo?