How do you avoid cuts while installing Floorify?

To keep cuts to a minimum while installing a Floorify floor, follow the following tips:

Careful planning: Measure your space accurately and plan the layout of your floor carefully. Use a floor planner or draw a sketch to determine how the planks or tiles will fit best, with as little waste as possible.

Start with half a plank: Start the first row with a full plank and start the second row with half a plank. This not only creates a pattern that is more aesthetically pleasing, but also helps to use the material more efficiently.

Use trimmings: When you need to cut a board or tile at the end of a row, use the remaining pieces to start the next row (provided they are long enough). This reduces waste and ensures more efficient use of the materia

Cutting with the right tools: Use a sharp knife or a suitable floor cutter to ensure that the floor boards are cut precisely and neatly. This prevents wastage due to incorrectly cut boards.

Optimise the use of full boards: Try to use full boards as much as possible and avoid small cuts. In areas where you need to end with a small piece, reconsider the layout so you can end with a larger piece of plank.

Take expansion joints into account: Remember to leave room for expansion joints along walls and around solid objects. While this is not a direct method to reduce cutting waste, it does help avoid mistakes and therefore unnecessary waste.

By following this approach, you will reduce the amount of cutting residues and ensure a more economical and environmentally friendly use of your Floorify floor.