Preparation & Subfloor
There are several factors to consider when installing a Floorify vinyl floor. Find out here the frequently asked questions about preparing for the installation of Floorify.
Preparation & Subfloor
- Where in the room is the best place to start installing a vinyl floor?
- Why is an underfloor needed when installing a vinyl floor?
- Which underlay is most suitable for a Floorify vinyl floor?
- Do you need to level the surface before you can install a Floorify floor?
- How long should you wait before installing a vinyl floor on a fresh concrete or screed floor?
- Moisture in the surface, is it a problem?
- Do you need to take an expansion joint into account when installing a Floorify rigid vinyl floor?
- What tools do I need to install a Floorify rigid vinyl floor?
- Does a vinyl floor need to acclimatise?
- How should you install the Floorify underlay?
- Do you need to copy the expansion joint of the screed to the Floorify?
- When is an underlay needed?
- Can you use a different underlay to the Floorify underlay?
- How much expansion joint should I provide with Floorify?
- What should you consider before starting to install the vinyl floor?