What can I do with my cut offs from Floorify?

Cuttings from your Floorify floor can be reused or recycled in various ways. Here are some creative and eco-friendly ideas:

Minor repairs: Save cutting scraps for future repairs. If a part of your floor gets damaged, you can use the cutting scraps to replace the damaged part.

DIY projects: Use the cutting scraps for small DIY projects. Think about making coasters, bookends, or even a unique wall decoration.

Crafts for kids: Let your kids get creative with the leftover pieces. They can make dollhouse floors or craft projects with them, for example.

Recycling: Floorify floors are made of materials that can be recycled. Is your dealer a Floorevive dealer? Then you can easily return your cuts here.

Storage protection: Place cut scraps in cupboards or storage areas to protect surfaces from scratches and other damage.

By using cut scraps creatively or recycling them, you contribute to a more sustainable living environment and get the most out of your Floorify floor!

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